Thursday, May 29, 2008

Backyard BBQ

On Tuesday night, Stu and I went to Corvallis to have dinner with his sister Megan and her boyfriend Joey.  They have a cute little house with a fire pit in the backyard so after we ate dinner, we were able to sit around the fire and make smores.  It was my first ever attempt at making smores outside on a fire and I was terrible, seeing as how I would set every marshmellow on fire and then wave it frantically in the air.  Megan's dog, Walter was there so I was able to catch up on some puppy snuggling!  I took some pictures and Megan made fun of me, asking if I was going to put him up on the Internet and I said no, but of course, I can't resist putting a couple up here...

Stu and Joey sitting around the early stages of the fire.
Joey is making us marshmellow-roasting sticks!

Walt!  Looking super cute and a lot bigger than the last
picture I had of him.

Oh, and just wanted to mention that Stu is going to be graduating on Saturday, June 14th.  Congrats Stu!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ah, Walmart...

This was the week of our Jerry's Walk the Diamond fundraising event.  Every year, all of the EEP classrooms get together at the Ems' Civic Stadium to raise money for our program.  Actually, the money raising all happens before the event, the children are sent home with packets so that they can get donations.  but the day is still pretty fun.  Each classroom is responsible for bringing two things that the kids can play with (we brought a bubble machine that refused to work...and a "ball pit" which the children swarmed to) and parents can bring their children to the event to play with friends and teachers.  We ended the event by singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and running around the bases.

This year was especially fun because the duck from the U of O was there in the morning.  The kids were so excited!  The kids were all running around and playing all over the field and all the sudden (it was like a vacuum really) they were all in the same spot, pushing, trying to get to Puddles.  It was really cute.  And Stu showed up!  Although Kenton had already left so I'm pretty sure that he was really bored...

This is essentially the exact same picture that Katrina had on her blog but I 
swear I took it with my camera!

The best thing about this week though, was that it was a short week!  We didn't have class on Wednesday because of Walk the Diamond and then we teachers were able to have Friday off because it was an optional teacher paperwork day.  It feels like it has been the longest weekend ever!  But I really needed it.  I have been able to sleep in past 6:30am for more than two days!  Woo hoo!  So far, we have not really taken advantage of the Memorial Day weekend...but we have been able to hang out with Kenton and Katrina and also went to see Indiana Jones!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today is the Primary!  I am so excited!  Make sure that you vote!  Ballots will be
accepted at drop offs until 8pm...go and do it!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Hot One!

This weekend has definitely been a hot one as most of you probably know. Unfortunately, while I love our house, it does not come with air conditioning and one side is in the full view of the afternoon sun so it gets really hot! The poor ferrets kept sprawling on one of their levels in their cage in front of the fan that I put in their room.

On Saturday, we had Kenton and Katrina over. We pretty much hang out every weekend and have been talking about having them over at our place but it just never has worked out before because we didn't want to make Finn fall asleep at a strange house. But yesterday, we decided to do dinner at mine and Stu's place and then hang out at their place afterwards. 

It was really cool to have them over because Finn has been waiting to meet the ferrets. I keep putting up pictures of the ferrets and when Katrina shows them to him, he always shows interest so we have wanted him to meet them for a while. It was so cute!  I am posting pictures so that Katrina can have them for her blog too!  This post is going to make it look like I am stalking her son but I really didn't mean too...

I think that Finn was a little unsure about the weasels at first.  This is the only picture of an adult that I took yesterday.  Apparently, I don't care about anyone if they are over the age of 3...sorry guys!

Oliver has this thing for his squeaky toys.  If you squeak one, he will come running from anywhere in the house to find it.  We taught Finn how to get his attention.  Oliver really liked Finn.  He was actually laying on the floor and letting Finn pet him and play with him and he is usually running around like a crazy weasel!  At one point, I put Oliver on Finn shoulders and Oliver started giving Finn kisses all over, in his hair and on his face.  It was super cute!

Cinder was pretty curious about Finn and what he was doing with her toys.  Ha ha.  And Finn really liked the ferrets' black "ball-ball."

Because Stu and I have weird pets, Finn was able to meet the frogs too.  I think that he really liked them because he kept crawling up on the chair to look in their tank.  In this picture I was trying to convince Finn to touch Hurley, which he did a second later and Hurley, surprised, hissed at him...hahaha.

We were bbq-ing on the porch and, while Stu had thought that he had swept it well enough, apparently we have a gross porch, as you can tell from Finn's face after he was crawling around.  Sorry we are so disgusting guys ;-)

He discovered the frog mister though and was able to clean himself up!  Mostly, he was just super hot so he was trying to cool himself down.

After we finished dinner, we went to Coldstone and then over to the Henry's house to hang out.  It was a really fun night and it was cool that they were able to come over and meet the ferrets and to hang out at our place for the first time.  This morning, Oliver was running around trying to find Finn so I think that he is in love and they will have to hang out again sometime when it is less hot so that we don't all roast!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


They look so innocent when they are sleeping!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Obama video...kind of...

I was messing around with my camera and ended up setting it on video.  I thought that it didn't pick up any of the sound or anything so I shut it off early but when I got home, I realized that it had actually worked pretty well!  Too bad I hadn't left it on longer...

This was pretty much at the beginning of his speech and he was talking about how he had announced running 15 months ago and the democratic race had gone on so long that, since then, children have been born, learned to walk and talk, and would probably be able to vote in his election.  You probably had to be there but I thought it was awesome that I have home footage of our next President!

Obama in Eugene

Barack Obama was in Eugene yesterday and Stu and I were able to finish dinner with his family early so we made it to campus on time to see him speak.  It was awesome!  This is the second time that we have been able to see him when he has been in Oregon.  There were a lot of really tall people there so I tried to take photos but it was pretty much a "stick my arm in the air, point, and shoot" and try to get pictures of things other than the back of people's heads.  Here are a few:

This was the line of security that we had to go through.  The guy went through my purse
and had me stand with my arms up in the air so he could wave that wand over me.

A picture of the crowd

There were really bright lights right behind him but if you squint, and look to the
right of the picture, you can see the next President!

I liked this one because, not only could you see Obama (kinda), but you can also
see the people hanging out of the Knight Library listening to his speech.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Walt and the Weasels

Stu's sister Megan is staying with us and last night, we decided to introduce her little dog Walter to the ferrets.  The ferrets have met a few dogs before; a little poodle who loves them and who they like pretty well, and a jack russell who would love to eat them and who they aren't so fond of.  Anyway, it was a pretty funny experience.  

After a few second of not knowing what the hell to do, Oliver and Cinder became pretty curious.  Walt was super excited and wanted to sniff and lick and play with them.  Oliver wasn't so sure about Walt but Cinder was all over meeting a new friend.  She was pretty careful, and her tail was so puffy that it looked like a baby bottle brush (when ferrets get agitated, their tails go nuts) but she was still going in for the sniff!

At one point we let them on the floor together with Megan holding Walter's leash so that he couldn't pounce.  It was fine until Walter decided to play a little rough with Oliver.  haha.  Walter wasn't trying to hurt him but he is so much bigger than Oliver!  I put Oliver in my sweater to calm him down and Oliver was so freaked out that he actually stayed there for a few minutes.  We got some great pictures and I am sure that we are going to try to get them used to each other since Megan is going to be here in Eugene all week.  There may be more pictures to come!

If you look closely, you can see that Walter is kissing Oliver.  And Oliver is not pleased.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

100th Post!

It is my 100th post here on blogger!  I am fairly certain that this has been the longest time I have kept up with something journalish.  I definitely gave up on my Myspace blog and LiveJournal long before this.

I can't believe it!  The weather was wonderful in Port Orford (which never happens, even during the middle of summer, you can visit and there is a 85% chance that you will be caught in the rain) and it has been wonderful weather here in Eugene.  I think that it is starting to leave us once again but I am really happy that there was a streak of good weather that lasted longer then one afternoon!  I'm even thinking of wearing a skirt today!  In May!  And not freezing!

The bad part about this nice weather is that it seems that I have caught something from the coast/Tyler/Tyler's family/etc.  Errrrr!  I feel that I was just sick like three weeks ago and here it is again.  I can only hope that the combination of tea and sinus medicine will make it go away soon.

Today, Stu's sister Megan is going to be staying with us with her little dog Walter!  I'm excited to see how Oliver and Cinder do with him!  I will probably have to take some pictures.  Of course!  

I'm leaving you with these pictures that I took at Tyler's parents house.  Her mom has been collecting dolls since she was a little girl and she totally has this creepy wardrobe filled with what she has found.  It creeps me out every time I go into the guest room but this time, I looked at it and found some that I thought were really cool/scary:

Awesome...glove and all.

I didn't want to dig for this one but I couldn't NOT take a picture!  It's for Stu...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

port orford weekend

this weekend was really fun.  i never get to go to port orford anymore so it was really awesome to have an opportunity to visit.  the reason tyler and i went down was because her sister, signe, had written and performed in a play and it was the last night.  it was an amazing play.  it is really crazy because i remember when tyler and i were in theater and we would be all crazy and signe was little.  now she is 18 (crazy!) and such a talented actress and even writing her own stuff!  it was an amazing show!  signe even had three songs in it and she was great.  i mean, she was like amy winehouse only not all skanky and cracked out!  i was very proud of her and she isnt even my sister.

on saturday, tyler and i pretty much just relaxed, had lunch with her family, and i got to take some pictures of port orford.  i never take pictures of my hometown and that is really sad because, even though it is tiny and i felt like it was a trap when i was in high school, it is a beautiful place.  and it worked out that this weekend was great and sunny!  there is a link to my port orford pictures in my pictures link.  you should check them out.

Friday, May 2, 2008

and I'm off!

Tyler called me last night and let me know that she was going down to Port Orford, my home town, for the weekend.  Her sister (this crazy, amazing, over-achiever) has written a play, is starring and singing three songs in it tonight.  So it is decided that since I haven't been to Port Orford in months, make that like since September for Sara and AJ's wedding, I am going to go with her.  Totally spur of the moment for me but I didn't really have any huge plans.  I figured that we would hang out with Kenton and Katrina but I'm sure that they will understand that I haven't seen Tyler, or even the Port Orford side of my family, in a really, really long time.

Anyway, as the plan goes, I'm going to get off of work early and meet Tyler at my house at 1 this afternoon and then will be in Port Orford, up the glorious Elk River until Sunday morning.  I'm excited.  I haven't been on a "road trip" with Tyler in a long time and now we both live so far away from each other and work so much, that we never get to visit.  EVER!  Plus it is Tyler's little sister's prom on I hear a prom crashing on the way?? ;-).  It kind of used to be a thing of dress in our prom dresses multiple times, and go to surrounding towns about an hour into their prom and dance it up.  We even took some Bandon Prom glasses once.  Hahaha.  We are so cool...I'm pretty sure that they won't let 24 year old's in...

Okay, okay.  So I'm going to be gone.  And I know that the weather will be good here and crappy in Port Orford, like it always enjoy it while I'm gone and I'll bring you back some wet, cloudy pictures of the beach!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Experimenting with my new camera

So, I'm trying to figure out this new camera that Stu gave me for our anniversary and this morning, i decided to take some videos for the first time.  Of course, the only thing that I can take pictures of or video of in the morning (because they are the only thing awake in the house) are the ferrets.  But I love them so it never gets old!  here is the first, and slightly boring, video taken on my new camera:

Warning: turn your volume down because my voice is BOOMING, and very manly, in this video.  I blame the camera.

There isn't much to this video but it is totally Oliver.  He was scratching at the 360, which he always does, and I was trying to distract him with one of his toys.  He found this hacky sack about a year ago...from somewhere in our couch.  We assume that since the couch was Stu's parents before us, that the hacky sack belonged to a friend or a little Stu.  Oliver loves it.  And when you shake it, he will come running, grab it out of your hand, and always, ALWAYS, take it behind the couch.  

Oh yes, and in case you didn't notice, I tried really hard to capitalized letters and add ALL punctuation.  I realize that a blog isn't Ichat...