Sunday, January 27, 2008

baby food jars

this was a really fun weekend!  on saturday i went to katrina's Arbonne party.  she had yummy treats for us to eat and we got to do things like soak our feet and massage them with marbles and everything.  my feet havent been that pampered in a while!  it was fun to kind of be "one of the girls" for once.  i dont usually get to do things with girls since i usually am around guys more.  i ordered this really good smelling body lotion that im pretty excited about.  

this afternoon was spent in my pajama bottoms because they are warm and toasty and our house is kind of cold.  we have this really cool four-sided easel at the preschool and i plan on having the kids painting one day in my group this week so i spent this afternoon mixing paints in baby food jars.  it was a lot of work actually!  the kids get so excited about painting and now i can make sure that each child gets all the colors since they are now in small baby food jars.

i am sad because we were planning on going over to kenton and katrina's house tonight and now we cant.  we were going to attempt to play the LOST game that made me cry a few years ago and i havent played since, and then watch some episodes.  LOST starts up again this week and we are all really excited.  but there is so much snow and we figure that even if it melts a little, it will get colder tonight and then freeze and we'd have to drive home in the dark, on icy roads.  bummer.  i guess that we dont have to hang out with kenton and katrina every weekend.  i will be sad that i havent had my finley fix though!

1 comment:

Katrina Henry said...

Oooh! Pretty. I can't wait to see the creations the kids make. We were bummed you couldn't come over...but it was probably the safe thing to do. If school gets canceled tomorrow...and it's not actually to scary to, you guys should come over to play in the snow! :) I'm hoping school gets canceled...