So, I'm trying to figure out this new camera that Stu gave me for our anniversary and this morning, i decided to take some videos for the first time. Of course, the only thing that I can take pictures of or video of in the morning (because they are the only thing awake in the house) are the ferrets. But I love them so it never gets old! here is the first, and slightly boring, video taken on my new camera:
Warning: turn your volume down because my voice is BOOMING, and very manly, in this video. I blame the camera.
There isn't much to this video but it is totally Oliver. He was scratching at the 360, which he always does, and I was trying to distract him with one of his toys. He found this hacky sack about a year ago...from somewhere in our couch. We assume that since the couch was Stu's parents before us, that the hacky sack belonged to a friend or a little Stu. Oliver loves it. And when you shake it, he will come running, grab it out of your hand, and always, ALWAYS, take it behind the couch.
Oh yes, and in case you didn't notice, I tried really hard to capitalized letters and add ALL punctuation. I realize that a blog isn't Ichat...
Cute. Finn's gonna get a kick out of this! :P Good work on the punctuation too. I just figured you had a style thing going on. :)
Silly weasels...
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