Monday, March 10, 2008

ducks game!

so this weekend, stu's uncle billy came up to see his daughter and he bought tickets for us all to go to the ducks game. it was really fun!  he had bought them like two days before the game so the seats were waaaaaaaaaay up almost as far as you could go.  we had to walk up all these stairs and it was looking pretty bleak for us for a few minutes but i definitely have to say that it was a lot of fun.  as you can see from the picture, we were almost parallel the rafters but actually, i liked sitting up that high because i could see ALL the plays.  it was awesome to be able to tell what was happening on the other side of the court.  i almost think that i would rather have those kind of seats instead of the court ones.  the game was a really good one too!  oregon was playing arizona.  i used to go to all the basketball games when i was a student, and sit down in the pit (the big yellow shirted group to the right for those of you who dont go to games) and really get into them and i had forgotten how fun basketball games were.  it helps that the ducks won too, 78-69.  anyway, it was an awesome time and im really glad that billy thought of us when he came down!