Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 16, 2009

I have been really excited the last couple of weeks because I finally participated in Neatorama's Mystery Sale. Neatorama is definitely one of my favorite sites that I usually visit multiple times in a day. Every few months or so, they have a sale where you pay $10 (plus shipping) to get a mystery box. The item that you receive is guaranteed to be at least worth $10 and I am always jealous when they make the reveal post and it is items like Ipods and stuff like that. This time, I jumped on it because I figured that I would spend the $10 on something pointless in the end anyway and I might as well add some excitement into the whole "receiving mail" thing.

This was a HUGE mystery sale this time and they posted that it would take almost three weeks to fill all the orders because so many people had signed up. Man, I was excited. A little bummed that I was going to have to wait. But excited. And then, two and a half weeks later, I opened my front door and there was a package on my porch.

I ripped it open! I was so excited. And then I caught me first glimpse of my prize. Drinking Strawz. The straw with flexible connector pieces so that you can make some crazy straws...

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed. I guess waiting almost three weeks really built up the anticipation. I have come to terms with it though...although, I have no idea what I am going to do with flexible drinking straws now that I am over the age of 12. Hmmm...

They had the Mystery Sale Reveal today and I saw that there was a number of surprises I could have received. I suppose that I am glad I didn't get Grandma??

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stu and I are going to go see Watchmen tonight with Kenton, his brother Brian, and Jesse...totally a guys night out... The movie starts at midnight and probably won't get over until 3:30 with all the previews. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday and we have no kids!!

I'm splurging on popcorn.
Now THIS is an awesome picture. Great job Kenton! ;-)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Okay, Stu and I don't have kids. We have ferrets. So I can't put up cute pictures of our kids. I can, however, put up cute pictures of Oliver and Cinder.

I discovered that Oliver had a new favorite sleeping place: in the cushion of our blue recliner (no one ever uses it so it doesn't really matter.) Doesn't he have the cutest little sleepy squish face??

community helpers are people who help us in the community...

Sometimes, I get overwhelmed. I love my job. I do. But sometimes, in the middle of a week, I really feel like I can't wait for the weekend. Days like today bring me down to Earth and make me realize that I really do have an awesome job. I get to be involved in the time of a person's life when they are learning and exploring and being shaped into the person they will grow up to be. I love that I get to be around students when they come to school and give you hugs and cuddle on you for comfort.

We have been teaching the preschoolers about Community Helpers for the last couple of weeks and we scheduled a visit from some firefighters and their fire truck today. The kids were so excited to go outside and see people who they have been learning about! The group that came was really cool and let the kids spray the water out of the hose and in the afternoon they let them climb into the driver's seat for a picture (The day is split up into two different classes, one AM and one in the PM.) The kids were great, minus spraying the one firefighter with water when he was putting out some cones to aim the water at ;-)

Happy Post!

Jeez, I am so bad at this blogging thing. Like, really bad. I really have a hard time coming up with things to write about. But I am trying...

This last weekend, Stu and I went to the Newport with Carolyn, Jesse (who was able to get us free admission into the Oregon Coast Aquarium), Katrina, Kenton, and Finn. It was really nice to get OUT of town for a weekend. Usually Saturdays just mean sleeping in a few hours and sitting around in our bathrobes. Let's face it. We are really lazy people. But last weekend, we were up at 6:30 (okay, maybe I hit the snooze button until around 6:50) and on the road at 8:30. It was really an awesome trip. The weather was amazing! It was really awesome to go to the aquarium with Finn because he was just so into EVERYTHING. We walked in and he was excited about the rocks and bubbles in the water from the little waterfall. It really makes you appreciate the things around you. The day ended with some adventures on the beach and yummy ice cream down by the waterfront. It was pretty much the perfect coast trip. And I even got a chili dog for lunch at the Rogue Brewery!