So last night, Stu and I were sitting in our living room when Noah called us to let us know that there was some guy screaming outside his building. I stuck my head outside and (since we live a block away from Noah) the crazy dude was making his way down by our house. First, he attacked our neighbors fence (good thing it is strong) and then he came down to the corner, to the house across from us, and ripped their Obama sign out of their yard, went up their steps and banged it against their door. He proceeded to turn down Washington, walking in the wrong direction down the middle of the street, screaming (in gibberish), attacked another sign and then disappeared down 13th. Crazy.
Stu and I walked to our neighbors and saw that the Obama sign was crumpled and ruined, sitting on their porch. Wow. I think someone really didn't like Obama. He had attacked a couple of other political signs in the neighborhood and I am really glad that he didn't see our Obama sign on our porch. Too close for my comfort.
Anyway, it was weird and the kind of thing you only see on TV so I thought I would post it.