Thursday, January 24, 2008

early mornings

i dont know what it is, but i love early mornings!  there is something about the quiet, cold of the morning and knowing that, while you arent the only person in town awake and moving, you are alone in your house (ignore the snoring stu in the other room).  i wake up at 6:30 on the weekdays for work.  i dont have to be at work until 8:30.  i dont have babies to transport, or older children to take to school like most of my coworkers but i love that i wake up early enough that i can take my time.  i usually have some worry about work, like who is coming into the classroom to supervise or what child is going to be challenging today that sometimes keeps me up at night but for some reason, i never think about this in the morning.  i have time to shower, get ready, drink coffee, watch the news and look at stuff online (i am such a nerd!)  i am crazy.  i wake up early so that i can relax!  

it takes a lot of effort to get me up early on days i dont have a reason to get up.  but if i can get myself up before 8:30 on a weekend or holiday, i am rewarded with that wonderful solitude and the idea that i have so much time during the day.  the day just has more potential when you wake up before noon!

i feel like these mornings of relaxation and coffee, of the news quietly informing me in the background and knowing i dont have anything i have to do for another hour, are something i really need to take advantage of.  someday i will have more responsibility; a more demanding job that i cant get out of my mind, children, or at least a dog i need to walk, it could be anything.  or maybe my body's demand for sleep will just override my love of time in the morning.

okay, that was a HUGE ramble! i should go now.  my hour of not having anything i need to do has come to an end and now i have to brush my teeth and consider work...hmmmm...

1 comment:

Kenton Henry said...

Wow. I am not a morning person. I do envy you. I could blame it on Finn, but I've never been a morning person. Though it is true that the day just feels better when you wake up before noon. :)