Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer break = lazy fun

So I am officially on my second part of Summer Break.  And I am definitely enjoying it.  I get to sleep in until almost 8 every morning and then I have all day to do what I want.  Mostly it has been to relax and read or watch movies, etc.  But sometimes I manage to get out of the house.

Yesterday, Stu and I went to the Lane County Fair with Noah.  It was sweet because we all got free tickets in!  I guess that the people who run the fair figured it was  little annoying to have all those extra people and extra cars parking in our neighborhood.  So if you could prove that you lived within 3 blocks of the fairgrounds with some official mail with your address and a form of ID, the fair was free!  It was a million degrees out and but we still managed to go on some rides and eat an elephant ear!  We even had this creepy carny give us a free ride, saying, "It's on me man...Being a carny, its a dirty job.  I just took a shower last night and I'm already dirty..." 

Anyway, we got some pretty awesome pictures but I ended up leaving the cord to my camera in the classroom last week so I don't have a way to get them onto my computer.  Tomorrow, Stu and I are driving up to the Gorge to see Tom Petty and I'll have more pictures so hopefully I'll get a chance to share them before September ;-)

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