Monday, March 16, 2009

I have been really excited the last couple of weeks because I finally participated in Neatorama's Mystery Sale. Neatorama is definitely one of my favorite sites that I usually visit multiple times in a day. Every few months or so, they have a sale where you pay $10 (plus shipping) to get a mystery box. The item that you receive is guaranteed to be at least worth $10 and I am always jealous when they make the reveal post and it is items like Ipods and stuff like that. This time, I jumped on it because I figured that I would spend the $10 on something pointless in the end anyway and I might as well add some excitement into the whole "receiving mail" thing.

This was a HUGE mystery sale this time and they posted that it would take almost three weeks to fill all the orders because so many people had signed up. Man, I was excited. A little bummed that I was going to have to wait. But excited. And then, two and a half weeks later, I opened my front door and there was a package on my porch.

I ripped it open! I was so excited. And then I caught me first glimpse of my prize. Drinking Strawz. The straw with flexible connector pieces so that you can make some crazy straws...

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed. I guess waiting almost three weeks really built up the anticipation. I have come to terms with it though...although, I have no idea what I am going to do with flexible drinking straws now that I am over the age of 12. Hmmm...

They had the Mystery Sale Reveal today and I saw that there was a number of surprises I could have received. I suppose that I am glad I didn't get Grandma??

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