Tuesday, January 1, 2008


in honor of this particular blog, i am going to write in frog green.  i was finally able to take some pictures of one of stu's christmas presents that he received from his family.

his name is hugo, after one of our favorite characters on the best tv show ever LOST. 
we call him hurley or hurleyfrog.  he is a tomato frog.  tomato frogs are found mostly around this one lake in madagascar and are apparently
 endangered.  but dont worry, we are helping hurleyfrog out by giving him a 
home and ensuring that he is safe...maybe.

<--this is a picture of his really cool home.  hurleyfrog is actually pretty cool.  i havent picked him up yet, im waiting for him to stop looking so mean, but i've petted him and he hasnt hurt me yet.  he eats crickets 
and apparently mealworms but we bought some mealworms for him today and he didn
t seem to take to them so well.  plus, they are really gross.  so im hoping that he doesnt take to them too well.  His house is super cool.  he has a pond and some fake plants and we get to "spritz" his whole place with water every few hours so that he is at the right humidity.  you can see him in his terrarium if you look in the left corner.  he is trying to hide.  he is the little orange blob...

<--here is another picture of hurleyfrog with his dinner...its gross and he didnt eat them so now they are just wiggling around in his little blue bean bowl. 

anyway, that is hurleyfrog.  just wanted to share some pictures while stu is practicing guitarhero.

1 comment:

Kenton Henry said...

I like you blog Jacque! You're a really good writer. :) Thanks for sharing...now I can be your stalker too!