Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy valentines day ;-*

today was an excellent valentines day.  at work we had a party in each class and all the kids were really excited.  they had made heart shaped envelopes for their valentines and today i taped them up.  after snack/cookie/cupcake time, they got to go around and put their valentines in their friends' hearts and then watch a dora movie that becca had brought.  it was so cute to see how excited they all were about giving their little treats to their friends.  we have been working on giving compliments to friends a lot lately and they've really taken to it so it was nice to have a day pretty much revolving around the whole "friends and love" thing.  plus, i totally made out and got like a ton of cupcakes and candy.  cool!

i came home from work and parked on the street so that i could discreetly take stu's valentines gift out of the trunk of my car.  i walked around the corner and up the steps and was greeted by this:
okay, so maybe i made stu go back and pose for this picture...

i loved it! it is so perfect. especially since tonight is LOST night!  here are some close ups of my favorite ones.

oh ben...

claire always did like her peanut butter.  "i sure could use some peanut butter chaaaalie,"

its funny cause hes always crying in the jungle and trying to fix people

he is a bad ass.

stu also got me some beautiful flowers and a love "voodoo" doll, some bath salts, and a frog prince.  and this book called porn for women.  its a funny book with pictures of men doing things like doing the dishes and vaccuuming the floor and saying stuff like, "as long as i have legs to walk on, you'll never have to take out the garbage,"

arent they pretty??

i felt pretty stupid about what i got stu.  i just got him some darth vader chocolates and a little meercat thing.  it was very cool.  but i couldnt find anything for guys!!  i swear.  oh well.  haha

i hope that everyone's valentines day was as good as mine!  i plan on finishing out the night with some survivor and LOST and some quality noah-time!

tomorrow im getting my hair cut!  i think that im going to go pretty short so pray for me, pray that i get a good hairstylist who has the right answer when i ask her if the style will look good on me!

1 comment:

Kenton Henry said...

Wow! Nice job Stu! Those Valentine's are super cool. I've never noticed LOST Valentine's before. Perfect. :)