Wednesday, February 27, 2008


okay, so today at work was a little rough.  i was extremely happy when we walked the kids down the sidewalk into the arms of their loving parents/daycare providers/bus drivers.  when i got home, stu told me to come over to the table and told me to have a look at hurley.  he stuck his hand in and a teeny tiny hurley jumped out of the dirt!  i freaked!  i dont know why but my first thought was that hurley had a baby!  nevermind that hurley is a boy and that baby frogs are TADPOLES.  but i still freaked.  then stu told me that he bought a new frog.

they are pretty cute together actually.  and [insert name later] looks a lot bigger in this photo compared to hurley than he really is.

i guess that stu has been spending a lot of time on the "frog forum" (definitely nerdy, i know) and kept reading that they get lonely and liked having a little friend with them.  so now hurley has a little brother.  he is pretty darn cute!

I guess that if we are going to have one frog to take care of for a few years, we might as well have two frogs to take care of for a few years.  stu's pretty well known for spontaneous buys.


Katrina Henry said...

Aww! How cute. Hurley's baby is so little. :)

Anonymous said...

oooh frogies! they're so cute :-)