Thursday, February 21, 2008

its thursday!

i cant believe it!  i am ecstatic!  we just got back to work yesterday and already, today is the last day that we have kids!  woo hoo!  

granted, we did have a really long weekend but still.  i got back to work yesterday and it really felt like it was monday.  i kept thinking that i had to do everything i usually do on monday and not wednesday.  so this morning, i get up thinking that it is tuesday when im watching the news and realize that it was THURSDAY!  do you know what that mean??

well, other than only having kids today for the rest of the week, that means that im that much closer to being able to sleep in past 6:30 in the morning.  oh yeah, and that LOST and survivor is on tonight!  i need so little in my life to really get me excited.  its pretty ridiculous.

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